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* We provide a Recrecational Ski and Snowboard Program at Whiteface. 
* We help defray expenses for NYSEF Programs that our members participant in.
* We return entry fees to our members who have been members for at least two years and are
members of good standing.
* We help defray expenses for our members with specific needs - ie - equipment or trips, etc.
* We are a 501C3 exempt organization.  We can accept donations from non-family contributors for specific members.  In turn, we refund that member for qualifiying expenses using the money
            donated in their name. 
* We honor our members at the end of the season with an awards ceremony
* We honor our Elite Team.
* We are a service organization which provides an instructional ski program for area children.
* As of 2021, we are 100 years old. 

Membership to the Lake Placid Ski Club is $45 for either families or individuals.  Your membership helps us give something back to the kids in our programs.

We find it necessary to charge program fees for each program.  The fee varies from program to program. Please look over each program carefully.  The Town of North Elba sponsors less than 50% of the funds need to run the Ski Club and its programs.  Your membership and our fundraising makes up the rest of what is need to provide quality programs.  The Ski Club administers a program at Whiteface and as we mentioned above, monetarily supports the NYSEF Programs. We have also merged with the Lake Placid Biathlon Club













This program is designed to teach children how to Alpine Ski and Snowboard.  The children must be 7 years old and in second grade.  It meets two afternoons a week, Mondays and Thursday from 2:45pm to 4:00pm.  The skiers must be ready to leave the Ski School Meeting place at 3;00pm. The program will begin Monday January 8th and will end Monday, March 11th. The cost of this program is $45 Ski Club Membership Fee and $125 per child  Program Fee.

Signup not available through website. Parents and Children are required to attend the November 4th sign up  or second sign up which will be determined at a later date 


Lake Placid Ski Club 
P.O. Box 691 Lake Placid NY 12946

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